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Lulav-Etrog Information

You can now order Lulav and Etrog sets from CTI for $60 for the standard quality set and $75 for the premium quality set. You can also order your Aravot set for $10. You can complete your purchase using the form below.   

Please submit your order no later than Monday, September 30th, so that we can meet the supplier’s schedule for delivery and have the Lulav and Etrog sets available for distribution on Erev Sukkot, Wednesday, October 16th.

Aravot will be distributed the morning of Hoshana Rabbah, Wednesday October 23rd in Shul.

CTI will only order Lulav, Etrog and Aravot sets for which payment has been received.

If you have any questions, please email Arthur Altman,

All Full or Associate Members please log into your account before submitting form. In the name field above, type in your name, and select your account.

Each Standard Lulav-Etrog Set is $60
Each Premium Lulav-Etrog Set is $75
Each Aravot set is $10


Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784